“The time has come for us to move on. Some of us have recently reached a new chapter in their lives, starting families, buying houses and pursuing other careers to make it all happen. Writing music, touring and leaving home for months at a time is slowly becoming impossible because of that. We all decided that it’d be best to pull the plug now and end things right.
It’s hard to believe we started this band almost 10 years ago already. At first, Despised Icon was mostly just an excuse to hang out, write brutal slam riffs and play local shows once in a while. With your support, we got the opportunity to actually play music for a living, make friends around the world, be MVPs and travel to places we never even dreamed of visiting in our lifetime. Thank you all for some of the best times of our lives.
We’re currently working on setting up our final tours in Canada, USA and Europe. Expect to see us in a town near you sometime before the end of the year. If all goes as planned, we’ll also be touring Australia and Asia for the first time in the fall. We’ll keep you posted on everything. These last shows will be fucking epic! See you guys then!”
“If it wasn’t clear enough, we want to assure everyone that we will be playing all the tours and all the shows that we’ve been announcing for the rest of 2010.
This means that we will be doing all the European shows scheduled for the next months, including the France/Spain/Portugal tour starting next Friday along with the Parkway Drive Tour that is to take place in a few weeks.
Also you can count on us to be part of the major summer festivals next August as this will be our last run in Europe. We are working right now at booking final tours in all the major areas we’ve been touring for the past 5 years.
Rest assured, we are NOT cancelling a single show! So please, come hang out one last time with us!”
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